Welcome to Alumni & Corporate Relations

Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award


IIT Madras is one of the top educational Institutes in the world.

Those who graduate from IIT Madras usually go on to achieve great laurels. Those who graduate from IIT Madras keep in touch with their batch mates, faculty and staff. They are always ready to help IIT Madras.

To honour the achievements of the many Alumni of IIT Madras, the Institute receives several nominations every year for the Distinguished Alumnus Award in the following fields:

Academic achievements and honors, intellectual contributions to the field of expertise, pioneering work, journal papers & citation indices, conference papers, books and book chapters, number of Ph.D. scholars guided, visiting professorships, lectureships, fellowships in professional associations, student mentoring & welfare activities, peer testimonials, awards & recognition

Innovations in application of technology, design & development achievements, awards & recognition (external & internal), technical leadership activities & positions, fellowships in professional organizations, patents & publications, industry standards activities, collaborations with academia, community service

Exceptional management skills, leadership position with company, awards & recognition, Board memberships, Fellowships, testimonials, global stature, Collaborations with academia, community service, team leadership in setting up new enterprises, mentoring track-record

Significant entrepreneurial skills & accomplishments, creation of support structure for entrepreneurs, success of start-ups in establishing market presence, scale of operation & reach to society, awards & recognition, coaching & advisory activities

Significant accomplishments in various areas—service to society, excellence in public administration, notable achievements in media & fine arts, leadership and innovation, scale of impact.

Please specify the category(ies) for which you are nominating the alumnus/alumna.

Please include a CV, one page writeup, photograph (optional) and supporting documents (optional) of the alumnus/alumna you are nominating for DAA.

Self-nominations are not allowed.

Alumni who are currently serving or have served in the past as IITM faculty are not eligible for nomination.

Nominations will be considered for a total of 3 years from the year of nomination. Renomination is possible at the end of the 3-year period of validity.

The CV may contain amongst other things:

  1. Name and address with Email ID
  2. Degree obtained from IITM and the year of graduation
  3. Qualifications and Professional Experience
  4. Any other relevant information

Please provide 1-2 page write-up detailing contributions that merit this award

DAA Statistics Summary:1996-2018

Past Recipients – Click Here for searchable data


Please click the below years to view the DAAs on yearly basis:

2023 2009
2022 2008
2021 2007
2020 2006
2019 2005
2018 2004
2017 2003
2016 2002
2015 2001
2014 2000
2013 1999
2012 1998
2011 1997
2010 1996