Each year the students of the graduating batch donate a part of their caution deposits which are then utilised to fund various projects in the institute. Out of the Rs. 2,000 that form the caution deposit, students have the opportunity of donating Rs.1,200 which is the residual sum after Alumni Card fee and convocation robe charge deductions are made. The proceeds from the batch of 2013 were channeled to CFI where they were used to fund the Young Innovators Program, Summer School etc. This year, we aim to achieve a net sum of Rs.15 Lakhs for which 5 projects have been shortlisted out of numerous suggestions received. All of these projects have very wide scopes and can potentially benefit students in large numbers. On the basis of a voting procedure, one of these will be selected and implemented over the coming year(s).
Please view the one-page descriptions of these projects and vote for the one you find the most beneficial.