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IIT Madras conducted 57th convocation using virtual reality

Chennai- The 57th convocation of India’s premier institute, IIT Madras, held on Sunday in a ‘mixed reality’ mode of technology where animated avatars of students receive medals and degrees from dignitaries. The IIT-Madras is holding a unique and first-of-its-kind convocation using mixed reality where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real-time. The Mixed reality is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations. For the primary time, the institute launched a teaser of the brand new mode of the ceremony.

IIT-Madras Director Bhaskar Ramamurthi said that they are conducting the 57th convocation of the institute using the technology where the real and virtual are mixed to provide an online virtual experience for viewers. The technology being used is not an animation or a virtual reality. Warm friendships, vibrant academia among others will forever be cherished by the graduates. The distinctive mode of technology combines the points of each actual world in addition to the digital world to create a brand new atmosphere. It will see the interplay of bodily and digital objects. Director Bhaskar Ramamurthi added that in every convocation since 1964, everyone looked forward eagerly to the award of the President of India gold medal.

In a communication to college students, the institute introduced that it had dispatched diploma certificates. The division diploma distribution programmes showcased all graduates receiving their levels and supply a conferencing platform to greet one another and the academics. Earlier, the IIT-Bombay held its convocation in August using virtual reality and digital avatars of students were awarded degrees using the technology.