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IIT ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????, ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ????? (IIT Madras made wrapping material, these advantages will be to wrap food)

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras have prepared a wrapping material for wrapping roti or other food. It is not only anti-bacterial but also biodegradable.

The team that created it has also filed a patent for the rapper. The team claims that their product can tackle two major problems.

Professor Mukesh Doble of IIT’s Department of Biotechnology told PTI that the aim of this research was to remove plastic from the plates of common people in everyday life and give them a product to be antimicrobial. In this research, along with the health of the people, the environment has also been taken into account.

Let us tell you that the food wrappers products coming in the market harm the environment. Everyone working or traveling outside wants to keep their food safe when they go out. Anyway, after leaving the house, in between lunch time during traffic and office, many times the food of plastic sheet or box also gets contaminated. Toxic elements are found in that food. Not only this, many people wrap paratha, bread or roti etc. in waste paper. But do you know that the ink in the paper reaches the body through food and harms the health.

Pooja Kumari, who researched this wrapping material at IIT Madras, said that our anti-bacterial coated polymer wrapper was used to wrap cheese, meat and chicken. Samples were kept at 4 °C and 30 °C for 10 days and tested for the effect of the coating on reducing bacterial growth.

Our study found a 99.999 percent reduction in bacterial colonies observed in food samples wrapped with our anti-bacterial wrap. This study also shows that it is stored at 30 °C for 10 days as compared to normal wrappers. This study also shows that it is stored at 30 °C for 10 days as compared to normal wrappers. Due to this project, the team of IIT Madras has also received the award for Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Appreciation 2020.