Pune-based startup BharatAgri on Wednesday said it has raised funds from a clutch of investors, including Binny Bansal- backed 021 Capital and India Quotient. The company did not disclose the amount raised by it in this pre-series A round that also saw participation from existing investors Better Capital and Ajay Prabhu (COO, Quest Global).
“The company plans to use the fresh funds on product enhancement and growth, besides expanding its footprint across India,” the startup said in a statement. BharatAgri was founded in April 2017 by IIT Madras alumni Siddharth Dialani and Sai Gole, and later joined by core team members Aman Verma and Tanmay Krishna in 2019.
BharatAgri’s technology solution provides personalised agriculture and farming advisory to farmers. With over 3,50,000+ users, BharatAgri offers paid subscriptions to farmers for the consultancy services.
Using BharatAgri’s Krishi Doctor, an intelligent farm advisor, farmers have witnessed over 40 per cent increase in yield and a significant reduction in management costs, the company claimed. Agri-input companies and financial institutions market their products through BharatAgri platform.
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