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Biotechnology 2.0: IIT Madras Prof on the era of biology, math and programming combined

Biotechnology 2.0: IIT Madras Prof on the era of biology, math and programming combined

Dr. Karthik Raman is Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras. Raman is also coordinator for the Centre for Integrative Biology and Systems Medicine (IBSE) and member of the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBC-DSAI) at IIT Madras. In this episode of Deep Takes, Raman discusses the advancements awaited in biotechnology. He also talks about how data driven science like genomics will change the face of biotech.

Raman also discusses the contribution of AI and quantum in decision making with advancements happening at the molecular level. He also states solutions to address the human capital gap.

But most importantly Raman talks about the importance of straddling math, biology and programming possibly. Raman talks about how premier institutes like IITs can become hotbed for DeepTech and look toward commercialization of the idea by collaborating with the industry.

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