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e-version of “IIT Madras Strategic Plan 2020”: We’re well on our way….

Dear Alumnus/Alumna,

e-version of “IIT Madras Strategic Plan 2020”: We’re well on our way….

 The e-version of the IIT Madras “Strategic Plan 2020” is now available at: http://www.iitm.ac.in/sites/default/files/uploads/strategicplan2020.pdf. Do review and give your feedback. If you think you can contribute in any aspect, we’d love to hear from you. Here are some news reports on the Plan: (http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/states/iitmadras-eyes-to-be-among-top-50-global-tech-varsities/article6497448.ece,http://www.business-standard.com/article/management/iit-madras-seeks-to-be-in-top-50-in-all-disciplines-114101200673_1.html)  and here again is Prof. Bhaskar’s video interview on the Plan:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w-5uwmfZ4o

On the education front, IITM continues to lead the way in delivering high-quality online learning materials: http://www.abplive.in/india/2014/10/08/article415717.ece/Online-courses-with-US-help-on-the-cards#.VDzI7WNnFog.

A key element of the Plan is a “research campus’ near the main campus to facilitate high-quality, high-impact research. This is close to becoming a reality (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/IIT-M-satellite-campus-to-come-up-in-suburbs/articleshow/44778986.cms).

In the meantime, our faculty and students continue to contribute towards realizing the objectives of the Plan. In particular, applied research with social impact is high on our list of desirable outcomes. Here are someexamples—a device to sense driver fatigue (http://www.rushlane.com/iit-madras-car-safety-system-12133559.html), and driverless cars to ensure road safety (http://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/Are-Driverless-Vehicles-the-Only-Way-Out-of-Road-Accidents/2014/10/09/article2468004.ece). Turning debris into bricks is another research focus (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/IIT-Madras-may-help-civic-body-turn-debris-into-bricks/articleshow/43471443.cms).

The Center for Innovation (CFI), funded by (my!) ’81 batch, continues to be centerpiece of innovative student projects at IITM (http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/education/at-iitmadras-innovation-is-a-part-of-learning/article6435985.ece).

The students have launched a “Pledge-A-Book” campaign to inculcate the reading habit among children (http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/building-libraries-rack-by-rack-book-by-book/article6482384.ece) through tie-ups with NGOs and UNESCO. They have been busy winning awards as well– http://www.moneylife.in/business-wire-news/pallavi-chakravorty-from-iit-madras-wins-rb-mavericks-2014/41025.htmlhttp://www.telegraphindia.com/external/display.jsp?mode=details&id=41025.

Though the Strategic Plan has only been formally released recently, the campus has been gearing up for it since the last Plan period ended in 2010. Confidence levels are pretty high regarding our ability to meet all plan objectives, but we do need your help to make it happen!