-- in association with Awards Partner --

This initiative aims to recognise and honour the work of corporates which have
focused on driving inclusive growth and measurable impact using technology as an enabler for social change and nation building.

* includes CSR and Philanthropic Grant-funded


Focusing on the theme of 'Technology-Driven Inclusive Social Impact', the award will recognize companies which have enabled technology based solutions that address prevailing societal challenges across the geography of India through scalable & inclusive initiatives.
Companies that demonstrate inclusive growth by leveraging technology in CSR to enhance last-mile access and outcomes.


• Call for Entries: 26 September 2024

• Submission Deadline: 18 October 2024

• Awards Ceremony: 9 November 2024

  • The application can be submitted by a company or its CSR foundation arm.
  • The projects eligible for applying are those funded under CSR or Philanthropic grants.

The socially-relevant projects nominated for the awards will be evaluated under two categories

Category A - Companies with turnover above 500 Cr* or their respective foundation arms
Category B - Companies with turnover below 500 Cr or their respective foundation arms

* The turnover data should pertain specifically to an individual company rather than the entire group.


The application must align with at least one from each of the below criteria - Social Impact, Scalability and Sustainability.

Use of technology in improving engagement, impact and meeting CSR compliances must be a common denominator.

• Social Impact

• The number of people positively affected.
• Demonstrated improvement in quality of life or a specific outcome.

• Measurable outcomes impacting the last mile.

• Overall improvement in life in a geography beyond numbers. For example, reduction in insurgency or feeling of isolation amongst communities.

• Sustainability

• Long-term viability of the solution
(financial, environmental, social).

• Ownership by the community in terms of tangible willingness to drive the initiative.

• Scalability

• Potential for the technology used/demonstrated to be replicated
or scaled up in different regions or contexts.

• Intent and application of technology / CSR resources to bring positive change in difficult, sensitive and remote geographies as part of scaling up.

• Innovation

• Originality of the technology or solution.
• Accessibility of technology.
• Improvement over existing solutions.
• Focus on scientific research on new solutions.
• Adapting to ground needs in an agile, effective manner using new approaches/methods


Applications would be assessed by a distinguished esteemed panel of experts from academia, civil society and industry with depth of knowledge and
experience in technology and social impact, supported by IIT Madras faculty and Lakshyaa experts.


Lakshyaa is a development sector Training, Strategy & Advisory firm that specialises in design, development and delivery of effective Engagement Models by bringing together best in class experts from governments, academia, corporates/CSR, civil society for impact and scale, leading to transformative nation-building through Sustainable Development. It is lead by experts with over 3 decades of experience in implementation, grant management, strategy & policy formulation for providing transformational, game-changing models of change.

Click here to know more about Lakshayaa



Sunitha Anupkumar
Email: csrpartner@ia.iitm.ac.in | Mobile: +91- 9444573737


Company/CSR Foundation Details

Category of award you are applying for

CSR Project Details

Point of Contact Details
