CHENNAI: The city traffic police have allowed vehicles to take right turn at the Madhya Kailash junction, which has remained closed for almost a decade now. The traffic enforcement personnel conducted a trial for about a week during the non-peak hours.
A traffic police officer said they have modified the timer at the traffic signal to turn green for about 30 seconds, allowing vehicles to proceed from Old Mamallapuram Road (OMR) to Adyar on Sardar Patel Road.
A senior traffic police officer said, “On an average, at least five to 10 ambulances are using this stretch from many hospitals heading to the Government Royapettah Hospital and other corporate hospitals. Many cab drivers and staff of IT companies have also expressed their positive opinion.”
The traffic police said they had conducted studies themselves and engaged college students to assess the number of vehicles taking U- turn underneath the flyover opposite to IIT-Madras to proceed towards Madhya Kailash.
All these vehicles can ply directly towards Adyar without any wait. Earlier, motorists had to take left at the Madhya Kailash junction and again take a U-turn near Gandhi Mandapam to proceed to Adyar. This had increased congestion at Madhya Kailash and at Gandhi Mandapam junctions.