Actor-politician Kamal Haasan on Thursday released a book ‘Thoduvanam Thedi’ (‘In Search of the Horizon’). authored by the IIT-Madras faculty to help grassroots entrepreneurs.
Prof A Thillai Rajan, Prof G Arun Kumar and Prof Saji Mathew from Department of Management Studies took up the program in 2016 to train micro and grassroots entrepreneurs as part of socially-relevant projects of the institute.
It was implemented in partnership with ‘Hand in Hand India,’ a non-profit organisation, with around 400 entrepreneurs in and around Kanchipuram district having benefited.
Releasing the book, Kamal said Thoduvanam Thedi, with its easy to understand narrative, will inspire the first-generation entrepreneurs raring to reach greater heights to realise their dreams.
This publication will also help business students and common man to understand the nuances of running a business.
The objective of this initiative was to pioneer a social concept to enhance the creditworthiness of micro, marginal women entrepreneurs through training and development. The book is being published by Vaanavil publications.