The chargesheet filed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the Bhima Koregaon – Elgar Parishad case has claimed a “concrete triangular link between a student’s organization functioning in New Delhi, arrested accused and CPI (Maoist) operating from the deep forest”.
t states that the issues related with the student front at JNU DSU are highlighted with some of the communication made with Maoist. A detailed report in this regard is found, it states, from digital data recovered from accused Rona Wilson, Varavara Rao and an accused in another NIA case which shows a “concrete triangular link” between the three.
The chargesheet has statements of 48 witnesses, has named many people whose statements are yet to be recorded and attached mobile and email connectivity charts between the accused.
Delhi University professor Anand Teltumbde, it says, had visited TISS, Mumbai, IIT Madras as well as other institutions and countries such as Canada and delivered speeches related to the left movement in India and abroad and “identified Dalits, as a class and not as a caste and tried to align Dalit movement with armed revolutionary movement as a well thought strategy of CPI(Maoist)”.
Another DU professor Hany Babu who it has arrested in the case, it claimed “inculcated Maoist sympathies amongst the students in Delhi and more specifically in Dalit and other students.” Babu mentions in one of his letters, it says, about his expertise in developing a new code and thorough sanitisation procedures for safe travel and exchange.
The chargesheet has also cited Teltumbde’s efforts as general secretary, Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR) for the release of two prisoners – Murugan (an advocate known for fighting Maoist cases) and Prof. GN Saibaba (convicted in a Maoist case). CDPR, it has claimed to be a frontal organization of the CPI (Maoist).
There is evidence on record, it claimed, that Teltumbde was allocated Rs. 10 lakhs from the banned party for his international campaign and visits to further its agenda. Similarly, 83-year-old Stan Swamy, the latest to be arrested in the case, was given Rs. 8 lakhs through a comrade for furthering its activities, it says.
It has named a number of organisations as frontal organisations of the CPI (Maoist), among them – Indian Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL), Anuradha Ghandy Memorial Committee (AGMC), Persecuted Prisoners Solidarity Committee (PPSC), Committee for Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP), Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR), People’s Union for Democratic rights (PUDR), Co-ordination of Democratic Rights Orgnization (CDRO), Democratic Students Union (DSU), Visthapan Virodhi Jan Vikas Andolan (VVJVA), Revolutionary Writers Association (RWA) and Committee for Defence and Release of GN Saibaba. It has been established, NIA states, that the members of CPI (Maoist) are using these organisations to further their agenda.