Satish Ramakrishna graduated from IIT Madras in 1987, with a B. Tech degree in Electronics, with a minor in Physics, before IIT started offering minors. He remembers mostly the classes by Professors V. Balakrishnan and Professor Antony Reddy for having set his brain straight. He moved to Cornell for a Ph.D. in theoretical condensed matter physics, where he worked on an interesting problem in one-dimensional conductors called charge-density-waves. The project was in close collaboration with an experimental group, which was quite an interesting experience for him. After working at Cornell for two years building lasers for a biophysics group, he decided to move to become a quantitative analyst at Citibank, in the commodity derivatives group in New York. He later moved to Deutsche Bank (both in New York and London), where for several years, he ran a group that priced as well as marketed structured financial products to institutions and companies. Since 2007, he has been Head of Risk as well as Pricing for Deutsche Bank’s hedge fund lending division. In this capacity, he has had frontline exposure to the travails, as well as the causes of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, which he hastens to point out was not caused by him. He maintains his interest in physics and other quantitative subjects and would rather attend physics summer schools than go on summer vacation – something his wife and two daughters are aware of and sometimes successfully countermand.