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Director’s Visit to the U.S. from May 23-31, 2015: Invite to Meet

Dear Alumnus/ Alumna,

This message is of particular relevance to alumni resident in North America. The Director, Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, and I will be visiting various cities in the U.S. from May 23-31, with an agenda of interactions with alumni, industry and academic institutions.

From May 23-24, we will be in Chicago for a general meeting with alums, and a ‘Golden Reunion” celebration involving ‘64/’65 alums. KV Reddy (President, IITMAANA; kvreddy@pritel.com) and Mallik Putcha ‎(mallikputcha@icloud.com) are in charge of the program. Please get in touch with them if you’d like to participate.

During May 25-26, we’ll be in Houston to meet with IITM’s benefactors, the Mehta Family Foundation, and to interact with collaborating faculty from various Texas-based Universities. An alumni Meet is planned as well. Here, the primary contact is Subba Viswanathan (viswaspc@yahoo.com).

On May 27, we’ll be visiting CMU in Pittsburgh to meet with our Distinguished Alum & President, Subra Suresh. Kris Gopalakrishnan, apart from funding the “Distinguished Chairs in Computational Brain Research” at IITM, has also funded postdocs at CMU in the same field, and discussion will focus on integrating the two optimally. Bob Nathan (Nathan@dnscorp.com) has expressed interest in launching a Pittsburgh Chapter on the day. If you happen to live in the vicinity, and want to participate, do let him know.

We’ll spend May 28 & 29 in the Bay Area, where Seshan Rammohan is our local host (seshan_rammohan@yahoo.com). We’ll be visiting Google, Stanford, Berkeley for discussions regarding possible collaborations. A Chapter meeting is planned for the evening of the 29th.

A busy program, as usual, but if you happen to live in the U.S. near any of these cities, do make an effort to attend the local Event. We’d greatly appreciate the opportunity to interact…. Nagarajan