Dear Alumnus/ Alumna,
As I write, IIT Madras is undergoing an “Institute Review”, conducted by a committee of experts as per GoI requirements. Having undergone a review of each Department in the past few months, IITM is well prepared for this institute-wide review. I will outline any significant findings of relevance to alumni in my next message.
In campus news: (from the Office of Dean, Students)
• A new, grand stage, about one and half times larger than the one at CLT, has been erected at the lower end of the central gallery at the Student Activity Centre (SAC). This stage is named “Middle Earth” (in English, with due respect to the great author J. R. R. Tolkien), and “Nadu Maedai” (in Thamizh), translated into English as “Center Stage”. This stage can be used for various purposes including hosting lectures, talks, panel discussions, plays/skits, dance programs, film screenings via multimedia projectors, and various other literary and performing/visual arts programs.
• Double-occupancy, bath-attached guest rooms, with simple furnishing and basic amenities, are being readied in our Hostels, primarily to accommodate parents/ guardians of our students, who will visit their wards at different times and for different durations. This facility is provided only for short-duration use, viz., one week or lesser duration.
The IITM Senate has recently approved a Fellowship deemed to be equivalent to the Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship for a maximum period of six months for the scholars who have submitted thesis within 4 years in respect of engineering departments (4½ years in science). This is to motivate our Ph.D. scholars to complete their work within 4 years, and to enable a gestation period for them while they publish papers, and look for best positions as per their liking. This scheme, along with some others intended to enhance the research ecosystem at IITM is available for funding by alumni and corporates:
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