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Nominations sought for “Distinguished Alumnus/ Alumna Award 2015”: Oct 15th deadline

Dear Alumnus/ Alumna,

The “Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award” program at IIT Madras is now 18 years old, and so far, 118 alumni (out of 40,000+) have been conferred with the award. This year’s deadline for nominating is Oct 15th, and nominations may be submitted online at: http://acr.iitm.ac.in/daa/.

There are five major categories in which alumni may be nominated: academic excellence, technology innovation excellence, managerial excellence, entrepreneurial excellence, and excellence in other walks of life. Here are more detailed descriptions of the parametrics:

Academic: academic achievements and honors, intellectual contributions to the field of expertise, pioneering work, journal papers & citation indices, conference papers, books and book chapters, number of Ph.D. scholars guided, visiting professorships, lectureships, fellowships in professional associations, student mentoring & welfare activities, peer testimonials, awards & recognition

Technology: innovations in application of technology, design & development achievements, awards & recognition (external & internal), technical leadership activities & positions, fellowships in professional organizations, patents & publications, industry standards activities, collaborations with academia, community service

Managerial: exceptional management skills, leadership position with company, awards & recognition, Board memberships, Fellowships, testimonials, global stature, collaborations with academia, community service, team leadership in setting up new enterprises, mentoring track-record

Entrepreneurial: significant entrepreneurial skills & accomplishments, creation of support structure for entrepreneurs, success of start-ups in establishing market presence, scale of operation & reach to society, awards & recognition, coaching & advisory activities

Others: significant accomplishments in various arenas—service to society, service to the Institute, service to alumni, excellence in public administration, notable achievements in media & fine arts, leadership and innovation, scale of impact.

More details regarding past awardees, etc. may be found at: http://acr.iitm.ac.in. I’m sure you know many deserving candidates. Please take time to nominate; there’s less than 2 months to go!

One more request: If you’re reading this message on LinkedIn, you’re part of the “official” IITM alumni LinkedIn Group. Do invite other alumni to join. If each current member brings in 4 more, all 40,000+ of us will be on the same page…. finally!