Welcome to Alumni & Corporate Relations
A message from Suresh kalpathi, President, IIT Alumni Club

Dear Alumnus/ Alumna,

The one way in which IITM has been trailing the institution across the road, College of Engineering-Guindy, has been in respect of an “Alumni Club”. Finally, we are starting to close the gap, albeit in an all-IIT manner. Here is a message and an invitation from our ’86 alum, Suresh Kalpathi, President, IIT Alumni Club:

The IIT Alumni Club has been functioning in Chennai since 2010.The formation of the Club was in partial fulfillment of the vision of alumni since 1991 to have a forum where alumni from all IITs, like you along with family, could connect, engage, and give back. It is clear by now that such clubs are being planned in other cities around the world.  This would help our members to benefit from the reciprocity that will be available to all of us.

With a view to take this institution to the next level, we are happy to inform you that a significant expansion of the existing facility is being implemented under the banner of the IIT Alumni Industry  Interaction Centre (IITAIIC). We expect it to be fully functional by early 2016.

As a fellow alumnus, we extend our invitation to you to join the IIT AIIC and we look forward to your support for this worthy cause. Membership of this exclusive facility would entitle members and their family and guests to have full access to all the facilities available as indicated in our website www.iitalumnicenter.org such as gym, fine dining, rooms for stay and other nominal club facilities.

We are currently working to expand our membership to involve individuals and entities that can also bring  varied perspectives to our thought leadership. The extended membership will comprise of IIT Alumni, IIT faculty, ex-officio members from reputed and related professional, Government, regulatory and academic bodies and select organizations that we strongly believe will add richness and diversity to the group.

We will keep you updated with monthly posts about the progress, events and other information of interest. For additional information, please feel free to call Mr. R. Muralidharan (+91 9940073099) or Mr. Narasimhan Raghavan (+91 9790908175)

To schedule a visit to the club (the present facility), please call either of the above,

With Warm Regards

Kalpathi S Suresh

President, IIT Alumni Club